The beginning of a new era...
It was an ordinary day in our world, but it could have been any other day for all we knew. We were just sitting around eating breakfast when suddenly everything went black and then started to shake violently. The ground shook so hard that I thought it would crumble beneath us at any moment. It felt like someone had turned off the sun or something. All of a sudden, everyone's cell phones stopped working. No one knew what happened because no one else seemed affected by this strange phenomenon. Then the shaking got even worse until finally the earth began to crack apart. Soon after, there came a huge explosion which sounded like thunder mixed with firecrackers going off all over the place. People ran out into their yards screaming as if they were being attacked. A few people tried to run back inside their houses only to find themselves trapped on the second floor. There wasn't much time left before things really blew up. A giant meteor was headed straight for Earth. The world's governments had been working together to prepare for this day since it first became apparent that something was coming. They knew that the end of the world was coming and they wanted to make sure that everyone would be safe. So they started building shelters everywhere. But they didn't have enough time.
The meteor hit just outside of a small town called Fairview. It was a quiet little town in the middle of nowhere. No one could believe what they were seeing. Everyone thought that the meteor was an alien spaceship or maybe a UFO. That's when they saw the flash of light. Then they heard the loud boom. They looked at each other and said "what was that?" Then they heard the screams from the people who lived near the meteor impact site.
The meteor had landed right next to the main street of Fairview.
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