The air was thick with a fine, powdery snow when the small team of scientists and students stepped off the train onto the small,remote Arctic island. They had been traveling for days, stopping only to rest and refuel their vehicles. You can see the rest of the group over there," Professor Babbitt said, gesturing towards a group of about a dozen people huddled around a bonfire. "They're waiting for us.Go greet them."
I did as instructed, strolling over to the group and greeting them with my usual formalities. "Good evening, Professor Babbitt. It is good to be back on Disko Island, isn't it?" One of the students, a redhead, smiled at me. "I'm Jack, by the way. Not Jack Frost, like everyone else calls me.I'm Jack because my parents think it's a cool name." I nodded at his statement, not really knowing what to say. "It is good is a bit of an understatement, I think. How about 'fantastic' or 'wonderful' instead?" The student, Jack, looked pleased with my response and I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Thank you, Jack.Now, let me introduce you to my teammates. First up, there's Jim. He's a paleontologist. Next to him is Bob, a botanist. Then there’s Glenn, a geologist. Last but not least, there’s Davey, a zoologist.And finally, there’s me, a paleontologist." I paused, letting the other members of the group introduce themselves before I continued. You know, I never understood why you needed so many people on this expedition. Surely one or two would have been enough?
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